Maximising the Effectiveness of Mesh Banners in Windy Areas
Every site is different, and each can come with their own complexities, Being in a wind prone area can easily contribute to the effectiveness of your mesh banner. At Signage HQ, we offer three types of mesh banner products that are suitable for a variety of wind conditions:
Our 50% Block Out Mesh is extremely low wind resistant and provides a quality print for simple logos and images. This product, is popular amongst construction sites that are exposed to high wind and open areas, giving less load on the structure installed. This mesh allows for 50% air flow which is the most airflow possible on a printed PVC mesh material.

60% Block Out Mesh is our mid-tier mesh product. It allows for up to 35% airflow, making it suitable for sites where there is a medium concern about wind loading on their fence. It’s a great product as it offers a premium full colour & photo imagery finish with the added advantage of lower wind resistance.

Our 80% Block Out Mesh supports 20% airflow. Versatile in application, it is commonly employed in areas with minimal to no expected wind. Despite its 10% airflow capacity, it still captures 80% of the wind load so we advise caution when installing this product onto temporary or permanent fencing outdoors.

Please don’t forget, that if you’re adding banners onto your temporary fence, it’s essential to take into consideration stability. In high wind prone areas, the use of shade cloth and printed banner mesh can create a “sail” type effect which can topple a fence with what might only be considered a mild breeze. The minimum standard according to AS-4687 is that a fencing installation must be able to withstand a windspeed of 54 km/hr. At Signage HQ, we can help advise what your fence requires to remain stable as well as compliant.
When contemplating adding mesh banners to your site, it is crucial to consider the effects of wind. It is essential to choose a suitable mesh banner based on the specific wind conditions of your location to guarantee that your fence can withstand varying wind speeds. This way, you can be confident that your fence will remain safe, and compliant and will not easily topple over even in the mildest of breezes.
To find out which type of printed banner is best for your site, call us on 1300 742 332 or fill out our contact form.
The success of any signage project hinges on choosing the right material – read on to find out how to get this right.
The success of any signage project hinges on choosing the right material – read on to find out how to get this right.
The success of any signage project hinges on choosing the right material – read on to find out how to get this right.